Friday, December 28, 2012

6 Weeks!

Today I am 6 weeks pregnant.  It just seems very crazy to even be saying that!  Only 3 more days and we will get to see the little one's heart beat.  Or at least that is the hope.  I don't know what will happen if we don't.  I am also dying to know if there is one or two little guys in there!  I would actually really like two, but I don't want to wish for anything but a healthy pregnancy.  Even though I would love to have twins, I don't want to be selfish.  I will be ecstatic with even just ONE healthy baby.

I haven't been feeling much, so it is still hard to believe that I am actually pregnant.  I have had some symptoms, but if I didn't actually KNOW I was pregnant, I wouldn't really think anything of them.  Here's what my symptoms have been so far:

  • First symptom I got was getting a shaky feeling when I got hungry.  I normally eat every 2-3 waking hours and typically, when I'd get hungry my stomach would growl.  After the transfer, if I was hungry, I actually just felt really shaky.

  • Insomnia - I have ALWAYS had to get up in the middle of the night to pee at least once.  Now it's been at least twice/night.  There has been several nights when I would get up around 2:00 and NOT BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO SLEEP and have ended up being awake the rest of the night.  It sucks.

  • While I have been getting very hungry, food just doesn't really seem to appeal to me right now.  There have been a few times that I just simply couldn't finish my meal.  That never happens to me.  I am one that always cleans my plate to the last drop or speck of food.  Some of my favorite foods just seem tasteless to me right now.

  • The last few days I have been feeling very bloated after eating, although I have not gained any weight.  Not even through the holidays.  Major success for me!

  • There have been a few times that I've felt nauseous, or at least I think I have.  But then, my niece ended up with the flu the other night when she spent the night and puked 4 times!  (Yay me)  So I don't know whether to think I caught her bug, or if I'm just pregnant :)

  • My breasts have felt slightly tender/itchy the last few days.  However, this really isn't that unusual for me, as my husband would attest to.

That's about it.  Nothing major, and nothing I wouldn't chalk up as being so totally out there.  If I didn't know better, I wouldn't think anything much of any of this under normal circumstances.  For the time being, I am going to relish in considering them all pregnancy symptoms though.

We are spending the weekend at the coast with Hubby's family.  It will be a nice distraction and hopefully help the days go faster, so Monday and our first ultrasound will get here quicker.  As much as I am hoping for some morning sickness and a REAL sign of pregnancy, I wouldn't mind it waiting now a few more days.  We still haven't told our families yet that we are pregnant.  We are waiting until after the ultrasound before we make it official.  They know we were doing infertility treatments and that we should know pretty soon if it worked or not, but we haven't given them any details about when any of the procedures were.  It will be hard to explain me ralphing without them guessing.  That's not exactly how I want to break the news, so as much as I wouldn't mind getting sick, I wouldn't mind it holding off for another couple days.


  1. I had issues with insomnia during the first trimester. I would wake up feeling wired and unable to get back to sleep. Eventually it subsided and was replaced with fatigue. I can't wait to read about your upcoming us!

  2. Hello from ICLW! Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is amazing. Your third symptom is a telltale pregnancy symptom, I've definitely had it too. It actually annoys me because I will be starving and then eat half my meal and all of a sudden have to stop. I think it's also the reason why husbands gain as much weight as their wives sometimes during pregnancy, I've definitely been giving all my leftover to my hubby! Anyway, congratulations again and hopefully the weekend speeds by and you have a great u/s on Monday. -Erin

    1. Haha! That is a great theory about the guys gaining "sympathy" weight. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your supportive comments! Will follow you as you approach your ultrasound!

  4. Yay for 6 weeks. That is like half way through the first trimester, isn't it?

  5. Yea for 6 weeks! Maybe you are among the lucky few who will not have to worry about morning sickness. I didn't have any, and I was pregnant with twins. I was, however, hungry enough to rip food out people's hands when the hunger hit. (Never did, but I did fantasize about it! Lol)

    I used to worry myself about it and swore that the pregnancy was fleeting because I wasn't puking my guts out every minute of the day. I think the fear is pretty normal when you want something so badly.

    1. It's always amazing to me to hear about those that don't have morning sickness with twins. Seems like you would especially have it! Although I must say it is reassuring to hear from those that didn't experience any and still have healthy pregnancies.

  6. I think with all we go through to get pregnant, the least we can ask for is an easy, puke-free pregnancy.

    1. Yes that is true. Now if only we could get rid of the fear too......

  7. Thank you so much for sharing you journey! It is so uplifting for me, as we are starting out first DE/IVF cycle in Jan/Feb! I am so glad that I can read stories like this! Feel free to drop by my blog with words of wisdom on the DE cycle (shots!!! eek!) anytime!

  8. I will definitely stop by your blog soon! It's good to hear from another couple going through the same thing. I wish you the BEST of luck!!!

  9. I hope the u/s brought good news!

  10. I just wish life was always full of rainbows!!
