Monday, April 22, 2013

Quick Update

First, let me just say welcome to anyone visiting for ICLW.  This is my favorite blogging week of the month when I get to meet new friends and find new blogs to follow.

Here's the update of my fertility world:

We have one more shot at having a baby.  We started with an IUI, which we suspected wouldn't work and it didn't.  We've done one IVF which resulted in a chemical pregnancy.  We then had a cancelled IVF due to only one follicle, so it was turned into an IUI, which failed.  We then moved on to IVF using my sister as an egg donor.  This resulted in our first real pregnancy, which lasted 9 weeks, 5 days.  Our miscarriage was due to a chromosomal issue.  Our baby had Trisomy 18.  We had two extra embryos to freeze from that donor egg cycle.  We are now at the beginning stages of our final cycle.  This FET cycle will be our last shot at having children.

I have been on bcp's for a little over 3 weeks now, and have done 4 nights of Lupron injections so far.  To put it bluntly, the injections suck.  I thought I remembered the Lupron injections not being too bad.  I was wrong.  Grrr.  The first night actually wasn't too bad.  But then the next night I went to the left side of my belly.  For some bizarre reason, whenever I do an injection on the left side, I always get a few hives and an itchy rash.  That is not new to this cycle.  I just forgot about it.  Then on the 3rd night, I hit a vein.  Yeah, that hurt.  And it bled.  The joys of giving yourself shots.

The only side effect I really remember from the Lupron last time was that I could NOT stay awake!  I pretty much had to take a nap every single day.  It was impossible for me not to.  Oh yeah, and the fact that I suffered temporary short term memory loss last time too.  The doctor said that was normal because my body was basically in a state of menopause.  At least I know what it will be like in down the road.  haha!

So far I have not really felt the same fatigue I did last time.  I hope that continues because I have way too much going on in my daily life right now to have a chance to nap.  I will be sleeping on the softball field if I can't keep my eyes open.

Speaking of softball, the Prom Talk went very well.  The girls listened, were teary eyed in parts, and I think took home the intended message.  I will write more about this later as I think it's probably deserving of its own post.  However, I do not have anymore time right now.  We have a game this afternoon and I have to go prep the field and write our line up.

It is a beautiful day outside for a game!  It's supposed to be nice all week!  It is forecasted to be 76* on Wednesday.  I'm sure the girls will be complaining about how hot it is.  It's funny how 76* is hot right now, but during the summer we will be freezing at that same temperature.  Anyway, off to enjoy the blue sky and a little softball.


  1. I love this weather! It should stick around! I am excited to read about the prom talk! Enjoy the sunshine! Yay for starting your FET cycle! ;-)
    PS. I wore my lucky socks today!

    1. Woo-Hoo for those lucky socks!!! Hopefully they truly are lucky because I got a pair for me too! lol

  2. 76 is perfect weather, nothing hotter though, please!!! I too am anxious to hear how the prom talk went. I would have been shocked if there had not been some tears. Sorry about the troubles with the shots. My heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers constantly. Good luck staying awake. Have fun!!!! Auntie

    1. I agree! Perfect temperature! I'm working on that Prom Talk post :)

  3. Sending you lots of love and positive wishes this cycle! x

  4. I'm doing an FET soon too! Good luck!

    1. Best wishes to you too! We can be cycle buddies :)

  5. Hi from ICLW - best wishes with the FET!

  6. I would kill for 76! It's going to snow another 6 inches here. Boo. I am so hoping this FET is it for you. Positive thoughts to you!!!!

    1. Omgosh. I love to see snow and rarely do we get it, but it's supposed to be spring right now! I'm sorry you are getting another 6 inches. Ugg!

  7. Happy ICLW! I hope you had a great game today and I hope this next cycle brings you much happiness.

    1. It actually was a GREAT game! We won 4-3 with a walk off homerun :)

  8. Hi from ICLW - I haven't gotten the chance to read through your entire story yet, but I am intrigued by your willingness to try anything in order to have a family. The choice to use your sister's eggs is one of impressive strength, and I can honestly say that I greatly admire that choice. It's one that I don't think I could ever make.
    I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but I really am hoping that this FET cycle is the one for you. I wish you luck, and look forward to following your story.

    1. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but then again, it wasn't that difficult either. I did write a post about making the decision to use an egg donor when I first started blogging. You are welcome to read through my story if you want. I'm also open to answering any questions if you have any. My email is

  9. I'm excited for you! I hope this time works. Would you consider adoption if it doesn't work?

    1. Unfortunately, we have no money left for adoption. We are at the end of the line, so fingers crossed!

  10. Yes! I was thinking about you (and Lupron) today when I couldn't find the right word to express a thought. That's happened a few times the past few weeks and I really think it has to do with the Lupron. So glad this forgetfulness is temporary...for now!

    1. Haha! That forgetfulness thing is a bugger, I tell you. So far I've been pretty good this cycle, but it's been less than a week and I still have almost a month to go! I've been thinking about you too. Fingers crossed and prayers said.

  11. Visiting from ICLW and wishing you all the best on this cycle. I hope that your FET's stick around and give you your family.

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your well wishes!

  12. I'm smack dab in the middle of a FET right now too. This morning I stuck on two more Alora patches (estrogen) and did my Lupron shot. Thursday I have to apply three patches.

    I swear that this morning that Lupron needle was dull as heck!

  13. Hi from ICLW! Man...Lupron is absolutely no fun. And memory loss, to boot! Yup, at least you know what to expect down the road (silver lining?). Wishing you much success with cycle! Sounds like that body is waking up...may you have your take-home baby in 10 months. :)


  14. Stopping by for ICLW. I'm so sorry about your previous losses and the path you've had to walk. But fingers are crossed for you that this FET is the magic ticket. Good luck with the injections!

    1. Thank you Cassie! Thanks for stopping by :)

  15. good luck and hope you have some nice weather for yoru games this week! cant wait to read about teh prom talk!!

    1. It is PERFECT weather this week. Actually this whole season so far. I can't believe it! I'm working on that Prom Talk post. Hopefully I'll be able to publish it tomorrow.

  16. Happy ICLW week! I'm not participating this month due to lack of time, but I've always enjoyed it.

    I can't wait to hear more about the prom talk.

  17. Hi from ICLW - Good luck on your FET!!!

  18. I'm enjoying the warm weather too. It so hard knowing the end of the road is coming soon. I hope this next FET works my friend. Fingers crossed.

  19. hi from iclw! hope your FET goes well!

  20. Praying for you and sending good energy your way!

  21. Hi from ICLW! Fingers crossed extra hard for this FET! I don't coach softball but have played recreationally since I was 8 - love it!
