Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, tomorrow is that time of the month again.  No, not Aunt Flo, but it's that special time of the month when we make the extra effort to read new blogs and show our blogging love by leaving comments.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the idea of making the extra effort to read new blogs this week, as I am already SOOOoooo far behind in reading the blogs I already follow!  I knew this would happen when softball season started for me, but I am still sticking around this wonderful blogoshere!  I may not have as much time, but I still love finding new bloggie friends and am looking forward to it. 

If you'd like to read about my infertility journey, the best summary of my story is in the letter I wrote to my family not very long ago.

Welcome to my blog and happy ICLW!!


  1. I took the month off. Hoping to get back into the swing next month though :)

    1. You might have taken the month off from ICLW, but I know you haven't disappeared from the blogging world! I admire you so much for all the great support you offer to so many. Besides all that, you are busy making all those quilts and fighting off crazy neighbors!

  2. We are already like bloggy bff! ;-) I hope softball is going well! Have I asked if you play on this side of the mts?

    1. Yes, and I love my bloggy bff named Teresa :)

      Softball is pretty good so far, with the exception of not having enough players out this year. We are 2-1 on the season so far. We don't have any games that side of the mountain this year. We have played Sisters some in the past, but it's been awhile. That would have been fun!! Last summer we went to Alabama for Nationals. I had a friend that had moved there and it was so fun that she was able to come watch us play!

    2. Oh that would have been cool- maybe we can head up that way, instead! ;-) Hopefully you have a dry (weather) season with lots of wins!

  3. hello from ICLW! After reading The Letter, I just wanted to say I'm so very sorry for your loss (from a 12w miscarriage mama myself...) it's something we'll always carry, regardless of the future...

    1. Thank you so much! I'm sorry you have experienced loss too.

  4. Hi from ICLW. Keeping hope for you.

  5. Happy ICLW! Hope you have a great softball season.

    1. Thanks! Only time will tell on the softball season....

  6. I'm in Portland. I you'd like to get together, let me know. I've been attending local resolve meetings and a yoga for fertility class. Being around other infertiles has been soooo helpful.

    1. Yay for another Oregonian! I've been wanting to look into Resolve groups that might be around here, but just haven't done it yet. I would also love to do that yoga class, but it would be too far of a drive to do regularly. I'm not opposed to getting together sometime though!

  7. Hello from ICLW! I just read the letter you wrote to your family, and wow, what a difficult journey. I was due in August, too, and miscarried at 12 weeks. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. I hope that sharing more of your story with them has brought you more closeness and support.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to read my letter. I'm sorry to hear about your own loss.

  8. Hi from ICLW! You've really had a long and trying journey...I don't know where you plan to go from here, but I wish you the very best of luck and I really do hope you get your take home baby soon!

    1. We have 2 little frozen embabies that we will transfer in May. Hopefully, that will turn into our take home baby, but if not...We just have to wait and see what life has in store for us.

  9. Hi from ICLW!!! Have a great season :)

  10. You are a dedicated woman!!! I don't know how you find time for all you do! Auntie
