Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Two Heartbeats!

That's right.  You read it correctly.  We have two babies and two heartbeats.  Woo Hoo!!!  I am so happy and relieved that we have at least made it this far.  Doesn't stop the worry, but at least I know that both babies are okay to this point at least.

Today I am 6 weeks, 4 days pregnant.

Baby A, which didn't show a heartbeat on Saturday, measured at 6w, 1d and had a heartbeat of 117.

Baby B had a heartbeat of 108 Saturday, and today measures at 6w, 5d with a heartbeat of 136.

Dr. P said that both are measuring within normal range.  Of course I questioned if it was okay that Baby A was behind the other.  Even though I know from reading other blogs that this can be normal, I still had to ask.  He assured me that everything looks just fine.  Thank you Lord.

I go back next week to be sure that they are growing appropriately.  Please oh please oh please let them both grow the way they should!

I asked about the spotting, which is still occurring off and on.  Yesterday it was still brownish, but was stringy and smelled.  TMI, I know, but by writing it down, maybe it can offer some assurance to someone else someday.  Dr. P said he couldn't tell where the spotting was coming from, but that it is the most common question he gets.  It is definitely normal. 

I asked about my activity level.  I've been trying to limit my time on my feet since the spotting started, which is nearly impossible with my job and softball.  He said that I am okay to continue exercising as long as I am comfortable.  Walking and being on my feet is more than okay.  I asked about lifting.  Again, as long as I am not overly straining and feel comfortable, that is okay too.

I haven't been lifting weights for exercise at all since the transfer simply out of fear.  Even though I am a personal trainer and know that it is perfectly acceptable to lift during pregnancy, it is hard not to be fearful when you are at the end of the line in ttc.  However, with my job, sometimes I need to help someone load their squat rack or pick up a weight.  I've just been trying to avoid having anyone do any exercises that would require any lifting on my part!  Ha!  Or I've made them do it themselves while I acted busy doing something else.  I've been given the okay to continue as normal, within reason.  I am so thankful for not having to worry about that anymore.

Hubby was able to be at the appointment today.  I am so happy he got to hear both heartbeats so all this can be more of a reality for him.  He was fully expecting only one.  I think he's been doing a pretty incredible job of keeping blinders on in order to avoid the hurt if something were to go wrong.  I don't blame him.  We were really excited last time and it tore our hearts out when we lost Bob.   He now at least believes I am pregnant and knows we have twins.

We are still not planning to tell anyone until we reach the second trimester.  At least we are hoping that will be the case.  Question for any of you twin mommies out there: how early did you start showing?  With twins, I am afraid I won't be able to hide it that long.  My work uniform consists of a dry fit t-shirt, and my softball coaching shirt is also a dry fit shirt.  It's kinda hard to hide anything wearing dry fit clothes, which is basically what I live in!


  1. Yay, I'm SO happy for you!! I think how quickly you show depends on how thin you are to begin with. I didn't have a flat stomach to begin with but it wasn't overtly obvious until about 14 weeks. When I did finally tell people they told me they had a feeling. I guess I wasn't hiding it as well as I thought :) Also, it was colder so I was able to wear sweatshirts which helped.

    I'm just so happy for you!!!!!!!! Yay for twinkies!

    1. I don't have a flat stomach either, so maybe that will help for awhile. Problem is, being a trainer, I really don't want people to think I'm just getting fat either! lol If only it wasn't summer and I could where a sweatshirt....

  2. Yaaaay! I've been thinking about you and praying everything was ok. This is such wonderful news :)

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers Amie. It really means a lot to me!

  3. i have no advice..except celebrate. this is the most amazing news!!!!

    1. Thank you! I told my husband congratulations as we walked out to our cars, and he just grinned :) We are celebrating this moment.

  4. AAAAAHHHHHH!!! I'm beyond excited for you! I've been thinking about you and hoping that you got to hear that second heartbeat. I'm thrilled for you and your husband.

  5. This is fantastic news! I'm so happy for you guys.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping it will be your turn soon!

  6. So happy!!!! I started showing about 10 weeks. You may want to try and get a bigger shirt for work uniform to help hide!! :) I'm so happy for you!!!!!!

    1. 10 weeks. hmmm....You've been such a good role model for twin pregnancy! I'm going to look up Dr. Luke's book for sure! Thanks for giving me an example to follow :)

  7. I could not be happier about this! So happy for you guys

  8. Amber, I am thrilled beyond belief! I am so happy for you!!!
    In August we have to take a picture together with the baby bump!!

    1. Thanks Teresa! I definitely can't wait to officially meet you in person! And a picture is a must :)

  9. OMG! That is such amazing news!! I could not be happier for you and your family! :o)

  10. Love it, love it, love it!!! What a relief, huh?

    1. Yes, definitely a relief. Although, now I start to worry about next weeks appt.... lol, it's never ending!

  11. Girl, I am beyond excited for you!!! I knew it. KNEW it! Besides, I told you long ago that I have a good feeling about this. ;)

    I had a pooch, but was in my regular pants until around 11 weeks.

    I spotted too, which is very common with twins. My boob occasionally ached, but I think that was from the constant groping I was doing to myself. Never was sick once. I did, however, feel like I was going to rip food out people's hands for the first trimester. Ahem.

    1. Stacie, you ALWAYS make me laugh. Yes, you did tell me :) You can go on having a good feeling for me about this until the end!

      Sounds like I will just barely maybe make it to the second trimester, or close...

      HAHAHA! Yes, I find myself groping just to see if I maybe have sore boobs. Nope. So far haven't thrown up, but that doesn't mean I haven't felt sick. Taking my prenatal vitamin has become a HUGE challenge. I am STARVING, but having an extremely difficult time eating. I can't seem to finish a meal, which has NEVER been a problem for me before.

    2. I'll keep that good feeling for another 31ish weeks!

      I also had the hungry but didnt want anything feeling. Ending up with eating a lot carrots and Sprite for a few weeks. (Neither are things i would ever "crave" in my normal state. you just do what youve got to do to get through. i also did anlot of carnation instant breakfast. Right now, most people are puking their brains out, so my doctor said it wouldn't hurt me to eat whatever I could within reason.) Took the prenatals right before I went to sleep so I didn't have to be awake for the grumbling my belly did afterward.

      Excuse the typos. Two lazy to go back and fix on my phone. Sorry.

    3. Dude. I'm almost embarrassed about the above typs--almost. Still not going back to correct though! :)

    4. Ack! This phone is out to get me!!!!

    5. omgoodness. Laughing my butt off over here. I forgive the typos, but only because I fully understand that our phones can be our worst enemy!

  12. YAY!!!!! This is wondeful news. I am so incredibly happy for you :)

  13. YES!!!! yesyesyes. wahooooo!

  14. Woo Hoo! I'm so, so, so HAPPY for you! Grow babies grow!!!

  15. YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! This makes me so so so so happy.

  16. Smiling from ear to ear!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Twins!!!! Oh the fun shopping! Thank you God for letting the two of you have this experience and may he continue to bless you throughout this pregnancy!!!!!! I just went back and read your friends replies. Still smiling from ear to ear but the tears well up as I know how much you all want this to happen and can read the fear between the joy. I hope as each week passes that you can get to the place that you can truly enjoy the moment to the fullest without even the littlest of dark clouds hanging overhead!! So very glad that you have this great group for support! I LOVE YOU, T AND THE TWINS!!!! This is a great day!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Auntie

  17. Just found your blog and let me just add my huge congratulations!! TWINS. WOW. I know that right now with these early appts can be nerve wrecking, so best of luck that you can get through it as calmly as possibly.

  18. Congratulations times two! I'm so happy for you! :)

  19. A HUGE congratulations! I bled steadily from 7 weeks until 14 weeks and look where I am today! So have hope my friend! Thrilled for you!

  20. Congratulations! I am very excited for you :)

  21. HOORAY!! Wonderful news!!! Twins! It's awesome, speaking as a twin myself! Congratulations and you'll all continue to be in my prayers!

  22. Hurray!! hurray!! This is amazing. Way to go Baby A!! Way to pull through!! So glad that you have two heartbeats and two wonderful healthy babies!! You deserve this much love all at once!

  23. This is such wonderful news! Congrats!

  24. Wonderful news!! So very happy for you!

  25. I'm still SO excited for you. When I read your post yesterday I interrupted my husband so I could tell someone!! :)

  26. Such great news!!! I will continue to pray for you so that they stay strong and keep growing!!! you may have to change your Blog to old lady and 2 babies!!!

  27. Twins!!!!!! I am so, so excited for you!!!!!!!
    Mine were measuring about a week apart for a little while, but they seem to have evened out now. Nothing to worry about unless it becomes a huge difference, but you are completely within normal range.
    I would say I couldn't button my pants by around 8 weeks-ish but people probably just thought I had a poochy belly. By about 10 weeks it was pretty obvious I was pregnant, at least to people who knew me.

  28. ahhhhhhhh I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

  29. congratulations...already said that to you yesterday on fb. But hey it is worth double congrats because there are two now for sure!

  30. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I KNEW IT!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!!! Best news I have seen allllll day!!!

  31. I am SO EXCITED for you! Yay for twins!!

  32. OH WOW! Congrats! Twins, how special! I started showing at 17 weeks. (I had just one child though)

  33. Oh my gosh...I am so relieved by this and just completely THRILLED. I'm so happy for you, Amber.

  34. just started following your blog and SO HAPPY for you!! Cant wait to follow the journey with you over the next 8 months!

  35. Congrats on the twins! I can picture the happiness on your face. I hope the went/goes well!

  36. Two ... wow!!! So very many congratulations, Amber! <3

  37. I'm catching up on old posts. Been MIA lately. This post brought tears to my eyes. Twins! Yay. Hugs, Amber.
