Friday, May 24, 2013

I Got Pregnant Today

Today was my frozen embryo transfer, and I am officially considering myself pregnant! I do, in fact, have two little embryos in my uterus that hopefully are snuggling in tight for the next 37 weeks.  I'm assuming it would be 37 weeks, since they are 6 day blastocysts and they start counting down the weeks 2 weeks before fertilization.

According to the embryologist, they both survived the thaw and were re-expanding nicely.  I asked what that meant, and she explained that when they get cyropreserved all the moisture in the embryo is drawn out.  Otherwise, it would cause problems during the freeze.  When they are thawed, that moisture/fluid goes back in so that they will continue to grow.  I know this doesn't sound very scientific, but I am explaining it in layman's terms as I understood it. 

Both embryos were of good quality, one slightly better than the other.  I think she said they were both about grade 4BB, which honestly doesn't mean much to me.  I don't care.  I just care about the end result, especially because I've learned the most beautiful embryos don't always lead to a take home baby.  I've heard too many stories about poor quality embies resulting in beautiful, healthy take home babies to care what the grade is.  She said they were good and they survived the thaw.  That's good enough for me.

I managed not to pee myself on the table this time after the transfer.  The same nurse that had to clean up my mess last time, was my nurse today.  Thankfully, she didn't remember that embarrassing incident!  However, I was supposed to wait 30 minutes after transfer before getting up and going to the bathroom.  They had asked if I needed a bedpan, but I thought I could tough it out this time.  Well, I should have taken the bedpan.  Oy, it is miserable having such a full bladder.  I didn't pee myself, but I did have a bit of trouble waddling to the bathroom without making a fool of myself.  Thankfully it was right next door!  I also chose to cut my 30 minute wait down to 25.  I figured those 5 minutes weren't going to matter that much.

Yesterday was our first round of the State Playoffs.  We were supposed to play the day before, but all that Oregon rain that has been missing this entire Spring decided to show up.  So we ended up playing yesterday, the game getting moved to a turf field so we could play rain or shine.  Well, it was in the rain but we got the game in.  We lost.  I was proud of the team for playing hard and trying to compete against the #1 seeded team in the State.  I was disappointed to lose, but oh so relieved that I didn't have to worry about the Quarterfinal game that would have been today.  Now I get to spend my weekend relaxing and working on all the softball awards.  I make them posters instead of giving them trophies.  They are personalized and the girls love them.  They are much better than a boring ol' trophy!  It means a lot to them, and it means a lot to me that they hang them on their walls.  Whenever I go to one of their houses for team dinner, they always have to show me their room with their posters hanging on the wall.  It's pretty awesome.

Today I was also given the incredible honor of being recognized in The Stirrup Queens 444th Friday Blog Roundup for my Prom Talk.  I must admit, I feel like I've won an Academy Award or something like that.  I just have a hard time putting myself in the category of being that interesting, or writing well enough to get the shout out.
With that, I want to say thank you so much to all of you that do take the time to read my blog.  Thank you for putting up with my infrequent posting during my softball season.  I am SOOoooo incredibly behind in reading all of your blogs, but I am slowly but surely trying to catch up!  I should have plenty of time this weekend, while my husband is off coaching our summer team in their first tournament of the year.  I will be home taking it easy, working on my softball posters, and reading your blogs.
By the way, have I told you I got pregnant today?  I am beyond excited and hoping we really do get that bfp!


  1. Yay!! Stick, baby(ies), stick!!

    Sending you lots of positive vibes.

    1. Thank you Sarah! I'll take all the positive vibes I can get :)

  2. Another Oregonian IVF warrior cheering you on from Albany!

    1. REALLY?? You are only a half hour from me! Eek! Do you have a blog? I can't seem to find a link. I would love to check out your story!

  3. Just so you know that embryo grade is PHENOMENAL The absolute highest is 6AA (and NO ONE gets this!) 4BB is really REALLY good! Go to this page if you want to know what grading is (it's kinda cool to read about)

    Sending tons of sticky vibes your way! eat some pineapple core and watch lots of comedies!

    1. Thank you for sharing the link, and your excitement! Your positive vibes are shining through and making me excited too :)

      P.S. My husband went to the store tonight to actually get me a pineapple! haha!

    2. We have 5 embies left over from our fresh and they are 5BB's and 4BB's! My RE even said he wanted to consider transferring ONE with the frozen BB's so that should give you an idea of how good that grade is!! I am SUPER EXCITED for your grading!!! LOL, the pineapple is a must! And the comedies, there was a study some where that women that laughed after their transfers had a higher rate of pg vs women who didn't! For the study they brought clowns in to some women and not the others (and this made me laugh hysterically while reading it, LOL!!) so watch all the funny stuff you can get your hands on this weekend, wooohooooo!! :) :) :)

    3. exciting that YOU have such strong embabies left! Thank you so much for your words of support. I love pineapple so I eat that anyway :)

  4. wishing you the best -stick little embryos stick!

  5. So excited to see this post! Really happy to hear they both survived the thaw. Sending sticky thoughts your way!'re such a great coach. Those girls are lucky to have you!

    1. Thanks Jessah! I'll take all the sticky thoughts I can get. Also, thanks for the compliment about coaching my girls. That means a lot.

  6. The stickiest sticky vibes are headed your way from Florida. And prayers. And baby dust. And a made up positive vibes dance I did with my cat. He sends you a " meow". I assume in this instance it means either "ditto" or put me down lady". I am sure it is the first. Have a wonderful weekend. If you get some time take a snapshot and share your crafty posters.

    1. Haha! I will take it all. I sure do wish I could see that dance! You didn't happen to video it, did you?

  7. I thought about you all day yesterday...pregnant until proven otherwise!! So excited to see that bfp SOON! Congrats on the Roundup- get your queen wave ready :) Enjoy your weekend relaxing and talking those embryos into staying a long, long time!

    1. Thanks! I have done absolutely nothing all day today except watch college softball on t.v. Oh, and I watched Gerard Butler movies: The Ugly Truth and Bounty Hunter. Lazy day!

  8. Woohoo! I'm so excited for you!!!

  9. Yay for expanding frozen embryos!! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. So glad you are able to relax more this weekend. Did you get a picture of your embryos? I love seeing them, I just find it so interesting. Good luck!!!

    1. I didn't get a pic of them in blastocyst stage, but I have an u/s pic of them in my ute. Can't really see them, and only really guessing where they are. lol

  10. I love everything about this post! Things worked out just as they were suppose to! YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!! Gosh, I love the way that sounds. Amber, I found you last time during your sad days... I am glad to be able to be with you from the beginning this time!

    1. Teresa, you are such a good friend. Despite the fact you "outted" me! Haha!

  11. Oh how happy I was to see this post, just so awesome! Prayers that you stay the 4th person i follow to announce they are pregnant in the last month!!

  12. I saw your post on the Roundup! Way to be awesome! Thinking about you SO MUCH!

    1. Thanks! You had something like THREE posts mentioned on last week's Roundup. Or was it the week before.... Anyway, thanks for sharing your awesomeness!

  13. Yay! Congratulations on being PUPO! Come on embryos, snuggle in!

  14. Yay for the transfer! Very exciting! And, congrats on your award!

    1. Thanks! It's not really an award, but it definitly feels like it :)

  15. Through tears and a chuckle or two from your writing (waddling to the bathroom), I send you so much love and prayers!!!!
    Enjoy your week-end making posters. Neat idea for your girls and nothing like using creative energy to relax the mind and body!
    Enjoy the quiet, congratulations on yet another successful softball season, and on your "academy award" for blogging (you are very talented and special), but mostly for being pregnant!!!! Please God, let this happen!!!
    Good luck to hubby and his team! When are you in Medford? Love to both of you! Auntie

    1. I've procrastinated all day and just watched college softball on t.v., along with a couple movies. Sigh.... I know I will regret it later, but I have LOVED my lazy day!

      I think it's the 2nd weekend in July.

    2. So looking forward to seeing you!!! Keep us informed to the date and hoping we get a little one on one like last year!!! No regrets ever for LOVING a day, even a lazy day!!!!

  16. WOWWW!!! First of all, congratulations!!! on being PUPO and also on the Stirrup Queens blog round up! You are such an amazing, smart woman and you deserve all the best.

    You are so right, you really never know which embryos are going to make babies, but I am hoping and praying that at least one of your embryos sticks around for 37 weeks :) Sending you TONS of baby dust! xo

  17. Yay!!!!!!!! You are PUPO! I will say lots of prayers for you and your embies. Congrats

  18. I am praying like crazy for a BFP for you! And congrats on the Friday Blog Roundup recognition. You certainly deserve it!

    1. Thanks Em! I don't know about deserving it, but it means a lot, all the same.

  19. I am completely and totally convinced that this is it for you. So excited and happy for you!

    1. Haha! Well I absolutely and completely hope you are right!

  20. You would not believe how grateful I am to read this post! I've been praying for days those embabies would both survive the thaw and now looking forward to reading more wonderful news to come! I am so thankful God gave me you for a sister and wonderful Auntie to my's to hoping I can be an Auntie to yours! Love you, Sis

    1. I am incredibly thankful for you too, Sis! Without you, those embabies wouldn't even be possible :) I hope I can make you an Auntie to my little one(s) too!

  21. Fingers, toes, legs, and anything else cross-able are all crossed! Cozy up in there, frosties! Your mommy, daddy, and extended blog-following aunties can't wait to meet you!

  22. Congrats on being PUPO! Sending you ton of virtual baby dust and positive vibes with my "stick, stick, stick" chant.

    I love the poster idea. I was never in a sport, but I was in band for like 8 years and got a bunch of trophies. I think it would have been really cool to get posters instead.

    1. Trophies are dust collectors, posters can last forever. lol

  23. I am sending you the best possible thoughts. I really feel like this is it for you guys, you have been through so much! xoxo

  24. Sending you so much luck and well wishes with your transfer! Hoping for nothing but good news in the upcoming weeks! Can't wait to watch your journey!

    -Jenn, from ICLW

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope I'll be able to deliver that good news.

  25. Stick, babies, stick! I have my fingers and toes crossed so tightly for you!

    1. Thanks! Just don't let yourself get any cramps in those fingers and toes :)

  26. Wishing you the best of luck!!

  27. woo hoo! thinking positive thoughts for you and those two embryos!!!

  28. Thinking only good thoughts for you and your embies! Congrats on being PUPO!

  29. Sticky sticky sticky vibes!!

  30. I am so excited for you and am sending you a ton of prayers!!! I just had my first IUI 9 days ago, and am having implantation bleeding!! Yay! :-)
