Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy Anniversary

Today, Tony and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary.  We've been married 19 years. That number boggles my mind and makes me proud.  We've been together for 24 years total!  We met during orientation week my freshman year of college (his second year).  We've had many, MANY ups and downs over the years, but somehow we have persevered.  Sometimes, I even think I'm grateful that we weren't able to have babies for so long (although it didn't need to take quite SO long).  I wonder if we are better parents because we are older.  I wonder if we would have made it through all the rough times if we had kids during those rocky times.  Parenting is HARD.  Would we have been mature enough to have made it this far?  Today, I choose to be grateful for our years of infertility and bringing us to where we are in our live's right now.  Today has been a day to reflect back on all the happy times prior to having kids, and a day to celebrate where we are at now, with kids.

We were just babies!

Want to hear something funny?  I thought today was Monday.  I even wrote this post as a #MicroblogMonday post.  That's why it's short and sweet.  I just now realized it's actually Tuesday!  I had to go back and change the title....  Oops!

Also, I apologize for the picture quality, or lack thereof.  These are all pictures of pictures, so not the best!


  1. Look how cute you two are!!! I know I am for sure thankful we had 5 years together before Bowen came along because it certainly changes EVERYTHING!! Granted at the time I didn't like the wait of course. We had the extra time to form a strong bond for when baby turbulence hit! haha Happy Anniversary to both of you!!

  2. You just make me smile and I am so proud of you and your family!!! So much love, dedication and perseverance through all the tough times!!! Again, wishing you as always so much love, fun and goodness in your life!!! Love and hugs, Auntie
