Monday, January 18, 2016

Microblog Monday: Gymnastics Failure

We took Ayden and Rylee to their very first gymnastics class on Saturday.  It's something we were really looking forward to doing with them, and thought that they would love it!  On the drive there, we talked about how we expected Rylee to do pretty good but how Ayden would be a challenge.  We didn't think it would be a bad thing, but rather that he would just be a lot of work because he just likes to goooooo.  Turns out, we were right!  But oh so much more of a challenge than we had even thought.

We had to arrive a few minutes early to fill out paperwork and pay.  We also had to take off our shoes and Ayden and Rylee's socks and jackets.  Ayden just. wanted. to. go.  He had NO patience for waiting around, never mind the fact that they don't let anyone on the floor or equipment until the class starts.  Those 8 minutes were brutal for Ayden and set us up for failure.  As soon as we walked onto the mats to the designated spot for our class, Ayden threw a temper tantrum.  He wanted to just run around, and we wouldn't let him!  He refused to participate in the class with the other kids.  After a few minutes of him screaming and distracting the class, I carried him back to the lobby area and we sat there (along with other parents watching their older kids in another class) until he had calmed down.  It took several minutes and a trip to the bathroom for tissue since he became a snotty mess.  I waited until he'd been calm for awhile and then we ventured out to join the class again.  He participated in 2 stations of the obstacle course set up, but then threw another fit.  When the class moved to the trampolines, he wouldn't follow the rules of having only one child per trampoline and insisted on running around to other trampolines.  Again, he threw a major temper tantrum and I had to carry him out.  This time I just put on his socks and shoes and took him out to the car, where we waited while Rylee continued on in class.

The class was a total failure with Ayden.  We expected it to be difficult (for us, not him), but thought he would have fun.  We were not at all prepared for the total meltdown tantrums.  Ten kids in the class, same age, and Ayden was the only one that was out of control.  He just doesn't listen, and was so out of control!  We thought about keeping Rylee in the class and asking for our money back for Ayden, but decided we'd try it again, next time being more prepared (emotionally) and making sure not to arrive even a minute early.

At least our day ended on a brighter note, with some family time outside for their very first bike ride.

She decided she'd rather push than ride :)

Note: I know their helmets are not fitted/adjusted correctly, but this was the first time they actually even LET me put the helmets on them, so we just went with it!  Especially since they don't quite reach the pedals yet, so aren't actually really riding.  lol

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  1. That sounds tough. I think finding strategies to help him deal sounds better than not going back. We've found that using a timer on our phones helps during waiting.

    1. That's a good idea to try. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I'm sorry you had a rough experience - it's so hard for these little boys who just want to run and tumble to wait and be still, but you're teaching him good lessons, and hopefully it improves. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Liliee. I know it's something we need to buck up and stick it out because it's a good teachable moment for him.

  3. It's hard. He may calm once he knows what to expect. The first time in a new space/new routine/new class is a big transition.

    1. I sure hope so! Although story time at the library has never really gotten better either.... I know as he gets older though, and if we just stick it out and be patient, he will learn. Thanks!

  4. We were thinking about putting Izzy in a gymnastics class, but then heard that it was fun while they were on the equipment but that there was so much WAITING inbetween. We wanted a class where Izzy was running/getting her energy out so we enrolled her in soccer instead where she is almost always moving.

    I hope it gets better soon! But yeah, maybe talking to him about the class ahead of time and what is expected of him (waiting his turn, etc.) would help.

    1. Izzy's soccer class sounds exactly like what Ayden needs. Something that allows him to run around without too much organization. I have never heard of a soccer program for their age around here though!

  5. Oh, I read your frustration but yet such a funny story! Someday, you will laugh if not already! So glad to hear that you are going to try it with him again! Maybe just a bad day or possibly just going to be hard to find something that they both love and can do at their own pace, in their own way. This is where I use the phrase "divide and conquer" and with twins, I imagine you two will be doing that. But the pictures of them outside, just always melt my heart as they are so adorable and I think you two are FANTASTIC parents!!! Love and hugs, Auntie

    1. Oh no, this isn't one we think is very funny at all. I can find the humor in most things, but not in how this experience went Saturday. Between his tantrums and my lack of grace in handling the situation, it's not something to look back on fondly. But I trust it will go better next time, even if only on my part in handling the situation. And we've already been dividing and conquering for a long time now :)

  6. When we go places, we usually end up "picking" the kid we will be in charge of during that particular outing. One of the boys is more challenging to manage behaviorally than the other, so we tend to try to alternate when we can. However, we know now, after these 8 years, that in some situations, dh is better equipped to manage the boy than me. (I get SO frustrated with his stubbornness!) In other situations, I am better at it. But to be honest, it took us quite a few outings before we felt like we hit our groove. (Wait. Have we hit our groove? Hm. Ask me after our trip to Disney this week!)

    Don't beat yourself up over what happened. You BOTH were in a new situation. It's always a live and learn kind of thing in the world of twins. Hugs!

    1. Congrats on hitting your groove! That does take teamwork, for sure. In our case, Ayden will calm down much easier for me. That doesn't always mean I have the patience to deal with his tantrums though! We plan to switch kids either this week or next though, and see how he does!

      Have fun at Disneyland! Have the boys been yet?
