Friday, November 3, 2017


Is there such a thing as too many hugs from your children? I know this sounds terrible, but I think there is!

Rylee has become a world class procrastinator. I'm not kidding. She is such a sloooooooooooooow eater. She takes FOREVER to get dressed, which she has actually mastered doing by herself, but holy moly does she make you want to scream trying to get her to actually do it. Even when you help her in the hopes that she will get dressed faster, she still flits and prances around so much that it's nearly impossible to put clothes on her.

And now recently she has started this hugging thing. Both her and Ayden are amazing snuggle bugs, which I really appreciate and love. But she has taken it to a whole new level.

"Rylee, go in and go potty and wash your hands." She needs a hug first.
"Rylee, sit down at the table. Let's eat." She needs a hug.
"Rylee, it's time to go." Hug.
"Put your shoes on." Hug.
"Rylee, it's time to pick up your toys." She needs a hug.

While brushing her teeth, she puts her arms around me and buries her face into my side, effectively smearing toothpaste all over and making it impossible to brush her teeth.

Doing dishes, hands soaking wet, and she needs a hug from you. Can't cook dinner without having to stop for hugs a million times. Can't get said dinner on plates and on the table without giving a hug.

You get what I'm saying? I absolutely love cuddles and hugs, but it's getting a little exasperating. She's using hugs to procrastinate and get out of doing things she doesn't want to do, and when it's not done in procrastination, it makes other things impossible for me to get done.

Cute, but Oh. My. Gosh.

Sweet, adorable, ornery, exasperating little person!


  1. I'm sitting here smiling from ear to ear and chuckling and understanding your exasperation with little Miss Lovable, hugging Procrastinator! But then I scroll and see this ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, PRECIOUS MISS RYLEE and think "Oh, I want those million hugs!" I'm becoming good at procrastinating so her & I could have fun doing it together!!!! Oh, I NEED that picture!!! SO CUTE!!!!! Could light up the worst of days looking at that cute face!!! Love and hugs, Auntie

    1. She had a meltdown tonight because after being asked three times already to get her pajamas on, she decided she needed a hug. When Tony told her she could have a hug AFTER getting her pj’s on, she cried and cried because she wanted a hug. The little stinker.

    2. This made me laugh here this morning but this is DEFINITELY one of those funny, exasperating and am I doing the right thing as a parent moment! And the world is full of doubting parents as Jen is looking for the answer and as a grandparent all I can offer beyond the chuckles is we have all been there, we survived, our children survived and pray that our future children survive their own growing up!! Have a wonderful week-end!! Blessings to you both as you both do a fantastic job and I have a feeling Jen does too!! And no one can ask more except maybe a child having a melt down. LOL Love and HUGS, Auntie

  2. If you ever get the answer to this please give me a hint. We really can’t spare 20 mins every day trying to get a 6 year old to put on her shoes : )

  3. LOL. Izzy does this about once a day, but often times I will tell her "after you do x."

  4. Oh my gosh that's hysterical! Olivia loves to hug now too (squee!) but it hasn't hit Defcon 1 yet like it has for you. ;)
