Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Where is Aunt Flo?

Can I just say what a mind fuck it is for my period to be NINE days late?

Please excuse my language, but it's the only thing that I can think of to accurately describe what it's like for an infertile to have her period be 9 days late. I'm pretty sure I was about a week late last month too, but I don't really know because I wasn't really keeping track. I've always been pretty consistent though.

Years ago, when we were trying to get pregnant, I used a period tracking app on my phone. I'd been debating downloading it again, just so I could be more aware of my body and stop guessing as to when Aunt Flo would be visiting. After last month, I bit the bullet and did it.

And now I'm 9 days late.

And I can't help but wonder, what if.........?

I'm just a few months shy of turning 43. I have such sucky egg production that even with the maximum dosage of stims, IVF didn't work for me. Tony has really terrible sperm, in both quantity and quality. We were blessed with our two babies because we used donor eggs and they were able to spin Tony's sperm to pick out the best ones. This was after 12+ years of trying on our own. Pregnancy is virtually impossible for us.

And yet I can't help but have it cross my mind when I am 9 days late.

I have no doubt that this is really just the beginning of perimenopause. My mind knows that, but my heart is another matter altogether.

Right now, I'm just really tired of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting..... for Aunt Flo to show up. Actually, truth be told, I wouldn't mind if she doesn't rear her ugly head ever again. But the unknown is killing me!


  1. Are you going to test just incase?

    1. The thought has crossed my mind. I will eventually, but it really seems like it would just be a waste of money, because I'm fully expecting my period to start any day.

  2. What a gut wrenching time. Seeing you write the word fuck though!! Can I just say it reminds me of when you read our daily journal during Grandpa's last days and you commented about me using THAT word!!! I pretty much had the same reaction and had to read it again and check to make sure I was in the right spot before moving on from THAT word!!!!:) I love you!!!:)Auntie Sending lots of love and hugs!

  3. Guess those mind games and feelings are always there. Hope you find out one way or another soon.

    1. It's near impossible not to question what's going on and think, "what if?" Ugh. Why do we do this to ourselves?

    2. I guess we just will always have that hope of a miracle ya know.

  4. Maybe test and get it over with so that you are not continuing to wonder? Infertility (and all of the thoughts/feelings/etc) never truly goes away.
