Friday, March 18, 2016

Moving Week

To put it bluntly, moving is the pits.  However, I am so thankful that we've had so much time to do it and it hasn't all had to be a real quick weekend thing.  We've already taken one horse trailer load to the "new" house.  Last weekend my aunt and I loaded up our cars and took some stuff.  We got about half the kitchen scrubbed down and a few of the cupboards and drawers lined.  The kitchen is gross.  It's pretty much the only thing I can't handle right now about this move.  Yesterday, we had professional movers come and move our biggest and heaviest furniture items and I took another car full of stuff.  The movers were expensive, but oh so worth it.  I didn't want to watch my fil, husband, and whoever else happened to be helping move those big items again.  Even the movers had a hard time with our oak china hutch.

Tomorrow is our BIG moving day and will be our first night in our new house.  I am so not ready.  Way too much stuff for me to do.  I had to sit down for a little blog post though, because I don't know how long it will be for our computer to be hooked up again!  I can't wait to get settled in and start catching up on all my bloggie friends.  It's been awhile since I've been able to sit down and just read.  Hopefully soon....

I need to take advantage of nap time now though, and get some more packing done.  This afternoon we have our last park play date with our twin friends here.  The other mom and I have promised to keep in touch and get our kids together, but I know that distance and just life in general makes that challenging.  It's so sad that now, when our kids have finally REALLY connected and become best friends, we are moving.  They are so much fun to watch together!

Okay, off to pack.  But first, a few pictures of my "helpers."  Moving with toddlers definitely makes for a slow process.  lol


  1. AWWWWWWW, those cute pictures of your helpers were taken in your new house! Sounds like a lot of progress has been made!! But know that you do have your work ahead of you and just hoping that it all goes well and that you are getting a much past due nap this afternoon!!!! It will all get better once the move is complete and you get back into the groove of life back "home"!!! And sunny days are ahead!! I love you, as always wishing the best for all of you and can promise, it will get better!!! And if all goes well, within the next year!!! Lots of love and hugs!! Auntie

    1. Okay, I misread your post and thought you were going to take a much needed nap but instead you were going to pack during the kids' nap!!! I hope you got a lot accomplished. Don't beat yourself up though over any unfinished to do list as you do get an awful lot done for the time you have and the lack of sleep that you have happening too!! I LOVE you!!!

  2. Moving stinks no way around it! I hope you all have gotten everything moved and have started getting settled in your new place.

  3. I love that they are climbing on the plastic tub that they have made into a "ramp". They are daredevils! 😍😍

  4. I miss your blog! I hope you all are doing well!

    1. Thank you Susan! I FINALLY just logged into blogger today and wrote a new post! Sorry I've been MIA.
